I. What is Sasha Obama IQ?
Sasha Obama's IQ is estimated at 146. Sasha is the younger daughter of former U.S. president Barack Obama. Her formal name is Natasha, but she is most often called by her nickname, Sasha.And Sasha's IQ is higher than Barack Obama's IQ
“Like everyone else, the cuteness of Malia and Sasha Obama really touched me. Though, I have to admit that when Sasha asked Barack what city he was in, I thought, "Hey, kid, your father specifically mentioned the city of the family he's staying with."I let it go because it was so cute, until I watched it again to get another fill of their cuteness and I realized Sasha was listening better than I was: Barack mentioned two different cities - Kansas City and St. Louis. First Barack says, "Hello from Kansas City" and then introduces the Girardeau family of St. Louis.
Of course, you can't begrudge a politician for making a mistake with the amount of traveling they do. But, although I vaguely recalled him mentioning two different cities, it didn't seem important enough for me to register. But it registered to this smart little seven year old. In fact, even her tone was that of a curious, sorta confused kid who hangs on every word of her father, peppering him with one question after another. And while Michelle and even Malia knew it was good manners not to correct Barack in front of 20,000 people, Sasha has yet to feel such compunction. Not because she's rude, but because she's seven years old.
It makes you realize Michelle and Barack have raised two smart, alert, curious kids - the older one more proper (like her mother) while the younger is a ham.
Whatever criticism people have ever had of the Clintons, everyone gives them credit for doing a great job raising Chelsea. You could tell the Obamas will get the same credit. Let's hope voters have enough intelligence to see beyond the lies and smears and distortions the Right have tried to throw out about this wonderful couple and their family.” (John Campanelli).
II. When was Sasha Obama born?
Sasha Obama was born in 2001 to Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, who were married in 1992. Sasha Obama has one older sister, Malia, who was born in 1998. Both girls attended the private University of Chicago Laboratory Schools in Chicago until January of 2009, when they began attending Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C. after their father became president on January 20, 2009.
The family’s life in Washington continued after Barack Obama was reelected for a second four-team term as president in 2012. Sasha Obama was 15 years old when that second term ended on January 20, 2017. The Obama family took a house in Washington, D.C., reported so that Sasha could finish her high school years there.
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