Although the term “emotional intelligence” was found by scholars in the early 1990s, business leaders took the concept quickly and made it their own. Emotional intelligence or EQ is one of the most important factor affect to success.

People’s success is strongly influenced by personal characteristics such as self-control, perseverance and social skills. There are many books which talk about how to improve employee’s EQ, but nowadays, recruiters are most likely to hire people who already possess high EQ scores.

Employees has high EQ seem to be good at teamwork, easily to adapt to new environment and flexible. No matter how many degrees or certification you have, if you don’t have certain emotional qualities, you are unlikely to succeed. To be specific, in the society which technologies and innovations are becoming developed, these qualities may increasingly important.

​<<< Read more >>> What is social intelligence (EQ) and why does it matter? (PART 1)

Daniel Goleman – author of Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ and Working with emotional intelligence, has presented 5 aspects of emotional intelligence. In order to hire a person who will thrive in your workplace, find those who have 5 below factors:
  • Self – awareness: A person who is self – aware usually know how to handle and learn from constructive criticism. Likewise, he understand his strengths and weaknesses well, and has suitable reactions to different situations;
  • Self – regulation: A person with high EQ know how to control his emotions and practice restraining when needed;
  • Motivation: Self – motivated is also one of the qualities of a high EQ person. He’s not motivated simply by money or title. They are often silent and think optimistically when they have difficulty and driven by an inner ambition;
  • Empathy: An empathetic person has compassion and an understanding of human nature that allows him to connect with other people on an emotional level. This person is also good at providing great service and respond wisely to other’s concerns;
  • People skills: People who have strong interpersonal skill usually enjoy working with people and have respect of colleagues. They easily to build trust and rapport from people around. They also usually avoid power struggles and backstabbing.
embathy eq

In order to look for an employee with high EQ, it’s important for managers and leaders to operate in emotionally intelligent ways to meet the needs of the emplyees.
<<< Click here >>> What is emotional intelligence?

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