What is a genius IQ score?

People often talk about very high IQ test scores, often referred to as genius but what exactly do these numbers mean and how do they stack up?

What is a genius IQ test score?

High IQ: Any score over 140
Genius IQ score: 160 and up
Unmeasurable Genius IQ score: Scores that are 200 and over



what iq score is genius

But what do these scores really mean? Are people in the “Genius IQ score” bracket really that much better off than those in the “High IQ” or even the “Average IQ” brackets?
Having a high IQs is indeed strongly linked to academic success, but is it tied to greater success in life overall? Are geniuses more successful than their lower-IQ counterparts?
Some experts suggest that other factors, including emotional intelligence might matter even more than IQ.

I. What is a genius IQ score range?

So how exactly do IQ scores break down? The average score on an IQ test is 100. Sixty-eight percent of IQ scores fall within one standard deviation of the mean. So that means the majority of people have an IQ score between 85 and 115.

  • 1 to 24 – Profound mental disability;
  • 25 to 39 – Severe mental disability;
  • 40 to 54 -  Moderate mental disability;
  • 55 to 69 – Mild mental disability;
  • 70 to 84 – Borderline mental disability;
  • 5 to 114 – Average intelligence;
  • 115 to 129 – Above average, bright;
  • 130 to 144 – Moderately gifted;
  • 45 to 159 – Highly gifted;
  • 160 to 179 – Exceptionally gifted;
  • 180 and up – Profoundly gifted.

II. A Closer Look at What IQ test scores Really Mean

What is a genius IQ score, though? What is exactly are these intelligence tests trying to measure?

Intelligence tests are designed to measure a person’s problem-solving and reasoning abilities. Your IQ score is a measure of fluid and crystallized intelligence. Your score on an IQ test indicates how well you did on these tests of mental abilities compared to other people in your age group.

Understanding IQ test scores


what iq score is considered genius

Genius IQ Scores follow what is known as the Bell Curve. To understand what the score on an IQ test means, there are a few key terms that you should know:

Bell Curve: when IQ test scores are plotted on a graph, they typically follow a bell-shaped curve. The peak of the “bell” occurs where the majority of the scores lie. The bell then slopes down to each side – one side representing scores that are lower than the average, the other side representing scores that are above the average. An example of a bell curve can be seen in the image above.

Mean: The average score. The average is calculated by adding all of the scores together, then dividing by the total number of score.

Standard Deviation: A measure of variability in a population. A low standard deviation means that most of the data points tend to be very spread out from the average. In IQ testing, the standard deviation is plus or minus 15.
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